Corn Maze & Multi-Hybrid Logo/Advertising Creation

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May 10, 2024 5:59 AM (517 views)

Customized corn maze or multi-hybrid designs. Are you looking for an easy way to create a corn maze for this Fall? Or do you want to do a cool multi-hybrid logo in your fields for advertising, political expression, or just something to draw interest? I can work with you to create both of these. Below are the requirements to do so:

Corn Maze:
-Planter equipped with section control to shutoff rows (preferably 1 row/section)
-Field/Maze boundary
-An approximate layout of the maze needed with entrance/exit points

-Planter equipped with multi-hybrid capabilities
-Field boundary
-Approximate location of logo in the field boundary
-Image of logo to create in the field

If interested please email me and I can give you an estimate on what your project may cost.

For Sale
$1 USD
Contact : IAT
[email protected]

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